Pregnancy Skin Care

What do you need to change in your skincare routine now that you pregnant or planning for a baby?

Despite many women getting that desirable ‘pregnancy glow’, it does not come naturally to all. The most common skin concerns during pregnancy are due to hormonal changes, including pigmentation & melasma, breakouts & acne, perioral dermatitis, and abnormal hair growth.

Rest assured the medically trained team at The Clinic have you and your baby’s best interests at heart. For more information on our pregnancy safe skin treatments, book a consultation today.

Common Pregnancy Skin Concerns

  • Pigmentation & Melasma
  • Breakouts & Acne
  • Perioral Dermatitis
  • Abnormal Hair Growth

"I'm the mother of 2 children, so anything that's quick and easy is the best. I had bad hormonal skin after my second pregnancy and I started coming to The Clinic religiously, every month for Peels, and my skin has been great. "

- Katie, 40

Common questions

How should your skincare change during pregnancy?

From the moment you start trying for a baby there are certain ingredients to avoid as they are simply not safe, or not researched enough. Products containing Retin A, Accutane, Retinoids, Vitamin A or Salicyclic Acid should be excluded from your routine during pregnancy and if you are concerned, always check the label with your obstetrician.

Our best advice for pregnant mothers is to stick to the basics and keep your skin in good condition. The ingredients that are safe to use during pregnancy include:

Lactic Acid - naturally occurring in the body and particularly good for reducing congestion and keeping the skin clear and soft. Along with Blueberry Antioxidants, Lactic Acid is the main ingredient in our Blueberry Peel.

Antioxidants, Vitamin C and Niacinamide - useful for brightening, calming and combatting free radical damage.

What skin treatments are pregnancy safe?

Whilst stronger treatments such as Injectables, Fraxel or Thermage are not safe during pregnancy, regular Peels or HydraFacials 4-6 weeks apart are the best way to keep the skin in good condition and correct superficial concerns such as breakouts, dry, dull or flaky skin.

Blueberry Peel – for an instant skin ‘pick me up’, the Blueberry Peel exfoliates, clears congestion and brightens skin.

Pregnancy Safe HydraFacial – deeply cleans, extracts impurities, resurfaces the skin and infuses nourishing antioxidants for long term skin health.

Deep Sea Rejuvenation Peel - a unique, acid-free Level 3 Face Peel which attains dramatic rejuvenating results to treat pigmentation.

PCA Skin Mandelic Peel - contain 20% Mandelic Acid, this is a gentle yet effective Level 2 Face Peel to resurface the skin, resulting in a smoother texture and more even skin tone.

What changes postnatally?

Postnatally the body continues to experience hormonal changes. If you are breastfeeding, the same principles apply to skin care as did during pregnancy, however you can start to include IPL 'Intense Pulsed Light', a rejuvenation treatment which is effective at treating pigmentation, capillaries, redness and acne.