Instant Glow
Price $250
For instant smoothing and brightening effects, try our new Dermapeel treatment, starting with half face Dermablading followed by a Blueberry Peel. These are our two most popular Level 1 treatments combined into one to remove peach fuzz, exfoliate dead skin cells and improve the skin's surface for an instant glow.
On a rare occasion, a slight redness may occur after the treatment which subsides within a few hours.
Dermablading is extremely safe when performed by trained professionals. At The Clinic, we employ only doctors and nurses to ensure the highest quality of care. Slight nicks can occur in the skin on rare occasion, which is why we don't recommend this treatment for people with acne.
Results are instant after a single treatment. Skin will be smoother, with an instant glow. For best results, we recommend a course of 3 treatments, each 6 weeks apart, however this will depend on how quickly the hair regrows.
Despite what many think, hair does not grow back thicker or darker. This is because the hair on the face that Dermaplaning targets is vellus hair, not terminal hair.
You may experience a tingling or tightening sensation in the skin, similar to that of regular shaving, but no pain.
Whilst we have seen amazing results from this treatment, please know that results from vary and we cannot make guarantees. We recommend coming and speaking to our registered nurses for an in-depth consultation. They will discuss in detail how the treatment works, whether it will be right for your skin type and the expected results in line with your skin goals.