anti ageing
How to Reverse Ageing around the Eyes

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then quid pro quo, the area around your eyes are the window dressings to the soul. Ultimately, those "curtains" can significantly contribute to the ageing of our peri-orbital skin in particular.
Puffiness. Crepe-like skin. Dark circles. Crow's Feet. These are just some of the common concerns rearding ageing around the eyes, which can often be the first area that ages our appearance beyond our years. Rest assured, the medically trained team at The Clinic is here to help with a tailor made treatment plan.
Histologically, the skin around our eyes (or the peri-orbital area) is much thinner than that of the rest of the face. As a delicate area, it loses both moisture and elasticity as we age - much of this is the result of collagen break-down. Everyday motions of pushing and pulling around the eyes, such as removing makeup, rubbing tired eyes, or wiping watery eyes during pollen season can also contribute to damaged and dull skin. At The Clinic, we actively tackle these issues by combining medically proven in-house treatments with an at home skincare routine.
Skin Treatments for Eyes
We use Ultraformer with its targeted handpiece to firm and tighten the eye area.
Ultraformer utilises powerful, micro-focused ultrasound modality to stimulate collagen renewal, without damaging the surface to lift, tighten and rejuvenate. Conveniently for our clients, there is no associated downtime with Ultraformer. Traditionally, the delicate skin around the eyes has proven hard to reach. However, Ultraformer technology, with its specialised cartridges can provide a welcome and long lasting 'lift' to the area. Moreover, these results continue to improve over the following three to six months post treatment as the body's tissues undergo collagen renewal.
For the peri-orbital area, a series of targeted treatments is recommended in order to achieve significant results, with each treatment compounding the effects of the previous procedure. The number of treatments recommended varies from client to client and so, we highly recommend a consultation before pursuing treatment.
To learn more about reversing ageing in the eye area, Request Appointment or book a consultation with our registered nurses on 02 9386 1533.